The Old Croton Aqueduct, Yonkers

Laminator posted about a Sunday long run with his club, NY Flyers, at Van Cortlandt. It appears he did the XC course to start and to finish, which is pretty tough long-run stuff. In the middle he mentions heading up a trail to Westchester.

  • Meanwhile, my Club is heading up for a long-run at the Rockies this coming week-end.

Bronx/Westchester Border on the OCA

My Westchester Trails site describes trails good for running in southern Westchester. As we head into fall-marathon training, perhaps some thought to heading up north once in a while makes sense. The Rockies and the Old Croton Aqueduct from Yonkers to Tarrytown are readily accessible from Metro-North’s Hudson Line. The Old Croton Aqueduct and Putnam Rail trails in the Bronx and into Westchester can be reached from the final stops on the 1 and 4 trains.

Each trail is unique, each worth a trip. There are directions on the site.

Now these photos, one taken in the fall, the other in winter, don’t do the trails justice. At this time of year, they are all filled-in with greenery. They are cooler than the surrounding area.

I should add that Julie posted something on a brand new audio/visual tour of the Bronx River, which basically goes along the path on which she and I run frequently, in my case for some 38 years. It’s narrated by Dan Rather. The “Bronxville Lake” is what I ran around when I posted some pictures earlier. According to LoHud, you can access the spots (there are signs on the path) via cellphone.

The path — it’s paved — essentially runs along the Bronx River Parkway (which is the border between most communities along the way, such as Tuckahoe and Yonkers) and therefore largely goes from station to station on Metro North’s Harlem Line. So it is very easy to get to. A quick stop at Bronxville, head west a tiny bit and you’ll be on the path. It can be a nice change of pace, followed by a light meal.